Peoria Drug Crime Lawyer
Are You Facing Drug Charges in Peoria, Illinois?
The war on drugs in the United States has created a treat throughout individual states to increase enforcement of the laws on illegal substances. This means that an arrest in the state of Illinois for a drug offense has very severe consequence that will affect the person convicted both now and in the future.
If you have been arrested for a drug-related crime, it is important for your own future that you contact a Peoria drug crime lawyer as soon as possible.
When faced with a drug charge, turn to the Johnson Law Group. With over 20 years of legal experience, our Peoria drug crime attorneys can aggressively defend your rights against the charges so that you have every opportunity to succeed. Lawyers from our firm come from different backgrounds that can work in your favor as you fight a drug charge, including a former police officer and a former state prosecutor. This means that we have insight into how our opposition works, staying one step ahead at every point so that we can defend you more effectively.
Drug Laws in the State of Illinois
Most people are aware that the issue of illegal drugs is one of the most popular today. Furthermore, the issue is not limited to one substance or type of charge. The federal government of the United States has compiled a list of restricted substances and categorized them in "schedules" according to their importance and risk of abuse or addiction. These schedules include anything from completely restricted substances such as heroin and crystal meth to drugs limited by prescription such as oxycodone and medical marijuana.
These "schedules" that have been made serve as guidelines for states to create their own regulations on illegal drugs. In Illinois, common drug-related offenses include:
- Possession of an illegal drug
- Sale or distribution of an illegal drug
- Manufacturing an illegal drug
- Prescription medication fraud
- Trafficking illegal substances in or out of the state
These charges can be issued concerning any restricted substance in Illinois law. That means that someone can be charged for a drug crime if they are arrested for any of the above involving a prescription drug, marijuana or any other controlled substance.
In the state of Illinois, controlled substances include:
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Peyote
- LSD (acid)
- Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth)
- Ecstasy
- Morphine
Any of the above substances can lead to serious consequences for the person charged, including prison time, fines and probation. If that person is you, do not waste time seeking out the defense of a Peoria drug crime attorney. There are ways to challenge the evidence against you and act in such a way to possibly reduce or drop your charges altogether.
What Penalties Am I Looking at for a Drug Charge in Peoria?
The penalties for conviction of a drug crime in Illinois vary depending on the type of drug involved, the nature of the supposed crime and the amount of the drug. Like other crimes, a drug offense can either be a misdemeanor crime or felony crime. For example, a minor offense of possession of less than 2.5 grams of marijuana will likely be a class C misdemeanor, which is punishable by less than 30 days in jail and a fine of no more than $1,500.
However, as the crime becomes more serious, so do the penalties for conviction. Taking the same drug, marijuana, and the same crime, possession, but increasing the amount to over 5,000 grams can turn into a class 1 felony, which carries a possible prison sentence reaching up to 15 years and fines up to $25,000.
The penalties you may be facing depend mostly on your specific situation. Your past criminal record may also play a role in how the court treats your case. Other things that may increase the charge, also known as aggravating factors, include the use of weapons, the presence of violence, and the involvement of minors in the execution of the crime. Any of these factors, and others, may increase a lesser crime to a more serious one with the possibility of harsher punishment.
Get the Defense You Need From Johnson Law Group!
Are you facing a drug crime charge in Peoria or another criminal offense? Turn to the Johnson Law Group and retain the help of one of our Peoria drug crimes attorneys. No matter what you're being charged with, you still have rights and interests that deserve protection. We want to provide you with that protection.
Contact our firm today and discuss your situation to find out how we can help defend you against your drug charges!

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children