Central Illinois Juvenile Crime Lawyers
Protecting Your Child’s Future Against Criminal Charges
As a parent, you may feel helpless to protect your child when they are charged with a crime. We’re here to tell you that’s not true. Like every other U.S. citizen, your child is innocent until proven guilty. Even when a defendant has committed some wrongdoing, law enforcement will often add more charges and penalties than the situation warrants. This is why you need a Central Illinois juvenile crime attorney to protect your interests, investigate the case, and fight to ensure your child receives fair treatment.
The first step to protecting your child’s future is finding the right lawyer. At Johnson Law Group, our team of juvenile crime attorneys in Central Illinois brings together over 100 years of combined experience. We work as a team to ensure our clients benefit from our legal prowess.
Call Johnson Law Group today at (309) 565-8825 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our juvenile crimes attorney in Central Illinois!
Common Types of Juvenile Crimes
Juvenile crimes encompass a wide range of offenses, which may include:
- Drug offenses
- Disorderly conduct
- Theft
- DUI and traffic offenses
- Vandalism
- Trespassing
Criminal defendants under the age of 18 are usually processed through juvenile court. In juvenile court, penalties are lighter, and judges can make more informal decisions about the defendant’s sentence. It is rare for a juvenile case to go to trial as the situation can often be resolved before that step. Additionally, juvenile crimes do not have the same impact on criminal records and may not appear on background checks.
Will My Child Be Tried as an Adult?
One of the most pressing concerns for parents facing juvenile crime charges is whether their child will be tried as an adult. In Illinois, the decision to try a juvenile as an adult depends on several factors, including the severity of the offense, the juvenile's age, criminal history, and other mitigating circumstances. Our experienced legal team will assess the specifics of your case and advocate vigorously to keep your child in the juvenile justice system whenever possible.
What Are the Penalties for Juvenile Crimes Charges?
The penalties for juvenile crime charges can vary significantly depending on the nature and severity of the offense. Potential consequences may include:
- Probation: Court-ordered supervision with specific conditions to be met.
- Community Service: Requirement to perform a certain number of hours of community service.
- Counseling or Rehabilitation: Mandatory participation in counseling or rehabilitation programs.
- Fines: Monetary penalties imposed by the court.
- Juvenile Detention: Placement in a juvenile detention facility for a specified period.
- Loss of Driving Privileges: Suspension or revocation of driving privileges for certain offenses.
Defenses Against Juvenile Crime Charges
When facing juvenile crime charges, it's crucial to have a strong defense strategy in place. Our legal team will explore all possible defenses tailored to the unique circumstances of your case, including:
- Lack of Evidence: Challenging the prosecution's evidence and credibility.
- Self-Defense: Demonstrating that the juvenile acted in self-defense to protect themselves or others.
- Mistaken Identity: Arguing that the juvenile was misidentified as the perpetrator of the crime.
- Illegal Search and Seizure: Contesting evidence obtained through unlawful search and seizure by law enforcement.
- Juvenile Rights Violations: Asserting juvenile rights violations during the arrest or interrogation process.
Contact Our Central Illinois Juvenile Crimes Attorney Today
Our Central Illinois juvenile crime lawyers start working on these cases right away. We move quickly to ensure that this matter is resolved so that your child can focus on their future instead of dwelling on mistakes. Juvenile charges are serious, but they do not have to ruin your child’s life. Schedule a free consultation with our team today to learn more.
Contact Johnson Law Group today to schedule a meeting with our juvenile crimes lawyer in Central Illinois!

See Our Track Record of Success
All Charges Dismissed A. vs A.L.
Aggravated DUI
Probation Another Probation Sentence After a Felony DUI Arrest for Someone on Probation for Two Felonies Already
Class X Drug Case with No Jail!
Conditional Discharge with No Jail Conditional Discharge with No Jail After Pointing Gun at Children