Brent R. Wright
Over 100 Years of Combined Experience on Your Side
I love what I do. That pretty much sums it up, I have been blessed with a unique life experience and I take my role seriously in helping clients and their families that unfortunately find themselves in life changing situations.
My name is Brent Wright. I have been associated with the Johnson Law Group for over 15 years as a Case Manager, Investigator and Law Firm Administrator. I wear many hats but my primary job consists of making sure our clients are properly represented in every way possible by our great team and ensuring they get the best defense and client service available.
Though my family is originally from Central Illinois, I was born and raised in a small Ohio town, enlisting in the US Air Force right after high school. I graduated the USAF Security Police academy and spent more than six years at numerous bases in the US and overseas performing law enforcement and security duties. For four years I was stationed in Europe and during this time, I enrolled in the University of Maryland's European Division and pursued a Bachelors' Degree in Criminal Justice.
After being honorably discharged, I initially sought out a career in law enforcement and security interviewing with numerous State and Federal agencies such as: US Marshal Service, BATFE, Air Marshal Service, State Police and also in the private sector conducting undercover investigations for Fortune 500 companies. But that's not the direction I chose.
I was recruited by a national criminal defense firm based in Los Angeles as a Case Manager where I would spend the next several years traveling all over the United States meeting with clients with every type of criminal case in cities such as: Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Seattle. In 2002, I became the youngest "Director of Client Services" in the history of the firm. My primary responsibility was to recruit, train and develop top notch attorneys and case managers throughout the Midwest. This firm would eventually merge with The Cochran Firm, founded by famed OJ Simpson Attorney, Johnnie Cochran.
In 2004, I was introduced to Mark Johnson and was immediately impressed with the team that he assembled with his concept of high quality criminal defense made up of former prosecutors and prior law enforcement. Soon thereafter, I joined the Johnson Law Group and during the next few years, I worked on countless state and federal cases involving drugs, robbery, homicide, sexual assault, and battery just to name a few. One of the cases I worked was a featured documentary on HBO and another case was televised on Dateline NBC "To Catch a Predator" series.
In 2008, I took a leave of absence from JLG to sharpen and expand my investigative skills. I joined a three state investigative agency based in Indiana. I would eventually become the lead investigator where I maintained licenses and credentials in multiple states and still do today. Over the next several years, I would gain vast experience in witness interviews, testifying in court, cell phone/computer forensics, surveillance, corporate investigations and criminal defense cases. During this time I was also contracted to conduct corporate investigations for Pinkerton Detective Agency and Fortune 500 companies like Johnson & Johnson.
In 2013, I rejoined my JLG family and relocated to Bloomington. During my career, I have been fortunate to manage, consult or investigate thousands of criminal cases. I am proud that I can offer my experience to our amazing team of talent that truly fights for their clients. Whether it is scrutinizing evidence, interviewing witnesses or just helping clients and family members understand the criminal process, I am honored to be part of the most premier criminal defense team in Central Illinois.
In my personal time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, riding my motorcycle, traveling and I'm also an avid gun enthusiast.
- Honorably Discharged, United States Air Force
- Secret Security Clearance, Department of Defense
Professional Associations and Memberships
- The Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council, Board Certified
- Indiana Society of Professional Investigators, Inc.
- Michigan Council of Professional Investigators, Inc.
- Ohio Association of Security & Investigation Services
- Criminal Defense Investigator, Board Certified (CDITC)
- Illinois: PERC: 129.368577
- Ohio: PI Agency License: 200921001489: Qualifying Agent
- Indiana PI Agency: PI20700192
- Michigan PI Agency License: 3701205853: Employee
- College of US Air Force, Industrial Security - Graduate School
- United States Air Force University of Maryland, Criminal Justice Community - Undergraduate School
- USAF Security Police Academy - Undergraduate School